Sunday 30 March 2008

Bit of a dog show really

Quick update.....
SO, our Gap tour leader (who we were supposed to continue to be with for the last 2 weeks of this trip from Lima to Quito) quit last night - drama!!! (nothing having to do with us -just the crap treatment he got from the company)!! So we get a new guy tomorrow morning, and the group is now down to only 4 of us (everyone else is on to other things). We will miss Jose, he was a great guide and a nice person (and he knew where to get GREAT food!!). Here´s hoping the new guide is ok:(

Ah and one more photo (stolen from Anna & Ali´s blog)

Murray and I all dressed up in traditional clothing


Helen said...

Dog's breakfast more like it! Down to four? but what about the rest of the tour? can you just bail out at any point? That must mean you, Murray, Steve and some other random single person? Have your Scottish friends left for Australia already?

So many questions.

Anonymous said...

I'm not too sure whether Lorraine caught this. Her laptop has been playing up. I will pass on your good wishes.

Kerry and I have been overwhelmed with the amazing dialogue and photos that have allowed us to follow your South American adventures.

All I can say is a huge thank you for sharing your experiences with us and everyone else who is following your adventures.

Our love to you both.

The Ipswich contingent of the family (Dynasty). :-)

Monique said...

Hi Helen
Ahhh well the group was always going to go down to just 4 of us once we reached Lima (they are all off to do different things now). It is just Me, Murray, Steve and our new friend Clive now - plus our new guide Walter. Scottish friends fly out tomorrow:(

& Thanks G&K for the lovely comment:)

Anonymous said...

Bummer on the new guide...and cute pic. ;-) Can't wait to hear more!

Vegemite Wife said...

Love love love the picture. You should totally sell Big Issue when you finish travelling :)
How long is your group reduced to 4 for?

Anonymous said...

Helen, it is tough being with only them 2.... but your turn will come. email me for tips on how to "handle" them - hehe.

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